티스토리 뷰



I went to the Techno mart in the Kangbyun(강변) to buy a notebook.

There are many Electric Goods and shoppingmall in the Technomart like the picture.

It's a building guide and you can find it next to every elevator in the mall.

If you want to use a financial district, take a exclusive elevator in the map.

B1 Shinhanbank

1F Kebhanabank

2F Kukminbank(kbstar)

3F Wooribank

4F Hyundaistock

It's a parking guide map in 4 basement floor.

Remember the location and then It's easy to ride your car.

There's no person at the way out of this parking  lot so you should use the electric machine to pay  your parking fee.

It's a manual to use this machine.

furnitures stores are on the fifth floor.

It's me, my daughters, new notebook.

You can pay your parking fee with this machine.

Just put your parking ticket into  the machine.

You can use the Lotte mart until midnight.


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