I went to the PizzaHill~ :) There was a strawberry buffet in the walkerhill so I took the strawberrys. I was sorry that the cloudy weather of that day Nevertheless, the front view is good~ It is very elegant of the window view. I thought i'd better eat pizza :) My favorite cream spaghetti was very delicious, too. The salad with shrimp and avocado was very delicious ~ It looks very nicely present..
피자힐에 다녀왔어요~^^ 마침 딸기뷔페를 하고 있어서 예쁜 딸기 사진을 찍어 보았답니다. 이날 날씨가 흐려서 아쉬웠지만 흐린 날씨조차 분위기 있게 만드는 전경 이군요~ 운치있는 전경 이군요. 피자힐에 왔으니 피자를 먹어야 겠죠? 내가 좋아하는 크림 스파게티도 너무나 맛있었답니다~ 새우와 아보카드가 들어간 샐러드 정말 맛있었어요^^ 셋팅된 테이블 https://www.walkerhill.com/grandwalkerhillseoul/dining/PizzaHill
One day when Jeongbeen was three years old My family and I went to the naturekitchen at Jong-ro D Tower :) https://store.naver.com/restaurants/detail?id=36939467 It contains information to use the naturekitchen. She sat on the chair with maturity~ She looked at the pond in wonder.
연말 모임을 위해 찾은 "타볼로24" 이때는 갈비가든이 있는 연말 디너뷔페 였답니다~ https://store.naver.com/restaurants/detail?entry=plt&id=35608484&query=JW%EB%A9%94%EB%A6%AC%EC%96%B4%ED%8A%B8%EB%8F%99%EB%8C%80%EB%AC%B8%20%ED%83%80%EB%B3%BC%EB%A1%9C24 이곳을 이용하기 위한 각종 정보들이 나와 있군요^^ 와인과 함께 스테이크를 ~ ♡ 대하와 전복 그리고 초밥들^^ 언제나 그리운 음식들 입니다. 정말 많은 종류의 음식이 있었지만 이정도만 찍어 보았답니다~
We came to the photo studio to take her 50 day commemorative photograph from she was born. New born baby Eun been~ She was asleep. Jung Been took the picture first while Eun Been prepares! She seems to be sitting on a cloud^^ Jeongbeen and the baby chair are all cute♡
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