둘리 뮤지엄에 다녀왔어요^^ 큰 공주 보다는 엄마, 아빠에게 익숙한 캐릭터 둘리~ 이제 함께 익숙해졌으면 좋겠군요 주차장에서부터 엄마의 사진찍기는 시작이 됩니다 ^^ 주차하려면 미리 예약해야 한다고 하는군요 이 엘레베이터를 타고 올라가면 박물관이 나와요 많은 행사들을 알려주는 포스터가 붙어 있군요 ^^ 박물관 안내도 예요 둘리와 도우너가 있는 미끄럼틀 이예요 알록달록 예쁘게 꾸며져 있어 아이들이 좋아한답니다~^^ 대형 바이올린도 있구요~ 둘리 도장을 찍을 수 있는 곳 이예요 예쁜 우리 딸들 사진이랍니다 *^^* 아이와 함께 할 수 있는 게임도 있어요 둘리애니메이션 제작과정을 볼 수 있고요 둘리네 스튜디오에서 사진을 찍을 수 있답니다 ^^ 아이들은 게임.. We visit the doolymuseum. Dooly character is more familiar with mother and father than JeongBeen. Now I want her to get used to it :) I started taking pictures from the parking lot If you want to park there, you should reserve the parking space before you get there. You can use this elevator to arrive exhibition of the museum. There were posters showing a lot of eve..
Jeongbeen got sunglasses A boss of a glasses shop gave the sunglasses to her when her grandparent buy new glasses :) It is very pretty with the corwns~ This sunglasses is useful outdoors~ We'd better take sunglasses under strong sunlight :) She also has to look good in front of animals.. We also need sunglasses to drive.
I and my family went to Bogwangsa Temple to celebrate Buddha's birthday ^^ Whenever jeongbeen takes a picture, she makes a V with her finger~ How did she know to make the "V"? I took a picture with my daughter under the warm sunlight ^^ This picture was taken while riding the swing. I came back from the Bogwangsa after having a meaningful Buddha's birthday ^^
It takes a lot of preparation to raise a baby ^^ I am prepared blankets for babies who are sensitive to body temperature changes~ I ordered the pink blankets for my two princesses, One is for winter and the other is for summer. Many moms use this blankets to raise their child in Korea.
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