When eunbeen was born who is jeongbeen's younger sister, I was at the postpartum care center and we met at the nearby playground and she took the slide. She has never slept without mom so it was so hard to sleep by herself. she was playing on the swing Once in a while She smiled brightly♡ my daughter's face was got dark again because of the thought of having to break up with mom again. grandma b..
작은 공주가 태어날 때 산후조리원에 있는 엄마를 만나 근처 놀이터에 놀러와 미끄럼타는 사진 이예요. 처음으로 엄마와 떨어져 잠을 자는 것을 너무 힘들어했었답니다. 그네도 타보고요 모처럼 밝게 웃어주는 그녀 ♡ 엄마랑 또 헤어져야 한다는 생각 때문인지 또 다시 얼굴이 어두워진 우리 딸램. 할머니께서 머리를 예쁘게 묶어주셨네요~ 오늘 또 미끄럼을 탑니다 ㅋㅋ 킥보드도 타보구요 동생을 처음 만난다는 것이 얼마나 힘든 일인지 큰 공주는 너무도 잘 알것 같군요
It's a gift for jeongbeen. This is a children's handbag^^ Shall we open the paper bag? What a cute handbag. handbag for Jeong-bin who likes pink~ It has a long shoulder strap, so you can control it. It's called "아이요 컬러 핸드백 베이비핑크" It's a warranty. she won't lost her belongings with this bag.
I bought a Xiaomi selfie stick at an exhibition venue^^ The instructions is explained in chinese~ I took a picture of the barcode~ It's a selfie stick~^^ The round one is the remote control. It says " mi ". You can use the remote to take your picture naturally.
I bought the Xiaomi selfie lighting. I can get a good picture when I take a selfie with the lighting. A view of the selfi lighting~ It is the back side from the box This is a USB cable to recharge the selfie lighting~ This is about AS~ Mobile selfie lighting from 여우미 This is everything in the box Looks like a full moon when I turned on the light^^ Let's take a pretty picture with selfie lighting.
It's entrance of the PARCO department store. You can see the Starbucks^^ This is HAKATA station~ It is a ticket for subway. Joengbeen who just got up from the bed This crossroad was on my way to the HAKATA station. A cute girl ♥ This is a subway in Japan. I moved to Yufuin by that train~ We visited the restaurant to eat udon(우동) until waiting the train. This is a subway linemap. A souvenir photo..
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