티스토리 뷰
Every spring, She buys flower for planting to her daycare center.
I visited the flower shop to buy flowers because preparing flowers was her homework.
I tried to find a suitable flower to plant in the daycare center garden.
I Picked flower very careful because there will be Jeongbeen's name near this flower.
The garden turns into a flower garden after all the children at the daycare center have planted flowers.
Whenever I saw the flower garden I was happy.
As a result~! I chosen this flower that is bethlehem.
The orange colors and the green colors are a good match.
This bethlehem can be grown indoors.
But It loves sunlight so it will grow well at the flower garden of her daycare center.
Actually, This flower were in full bloom for a long time.
I want to buy this flower next spring and plant it in the garden.
'Life > Everyday life' 카테고리의 다른 글
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